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Jeremy Batch tells us about the History of Navigation

On Sunday October, 14th many of us were treated to a delightful talk by Jeremy Batch on the History of Navigation. Jeremy has clearly researched this subject extensively and lead us from the Babylonians; Polynesians (navigating Pacific Islands) and Phoenicians (sailing around Africa) up to Prince Henry; Columbus and Magellan. We were all entertained on the way by his light hearted humour and wry observations. I was particularly amused by the ‘Kamal’ a block of wood with a knotted string which is held between the teeth and use to measure the angle between objects e.g. stars.

Our next talk will be a Friday mini-lecture by Ian Culley on ‘How to get the best from your sails’ on 26th October. I commend this to you as sailing is much more satisfying if you can get your boat to perform well.

As your new Social Secretary I am on the lookout for good talks for our programme and do not hesitate to contact me.

– by Kevin Brown