Yachts: Ian Brunt Trophy – Lymington and Back Race/Cruise
The penultimate race weekend of the year is heading to Lymington this year. We have a group booking for the Dan Bran pontoon.
HW Chi is 10:49, so we currently plan an 10:00 start at Chi to make best use of the westward tide. There will be the usual pontoon party and prize giving, followed by group dinner. On Sunday we will be up with the sparrows to catch the tide home to Chichester. Any boat that would like to take part in the race is welcome – you do not need to be an experienced racer to take part. Think of it as a cruise with a bit of competition thrown in. As usual, compressive cruising notes will be sent around before the cruise. Anyone who has not been on one of our competitive cruises before and is dauted by the term ‘race’ please don’t be. If you would like to ask any questions before signing up please give James a call or drop an email to .
Cruise Leader: James Connell, Lyanna, 07903 985194
Booking opens June 1
Cruise Booking
Bookings are no longer available for this event.
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