
Opening Hours
Booking a Table
Knowing in advance that you are coming to eat is of great benefit to the club to ensure we have catered and staffed adequately. Please call the Bar on 01243 512918 opt. 2. if we are unavailable, please leave a message and provide the following information
- Name & Membership No.,
- Date and Time of Booking,
- No. of Guests,
- Dietary Requirements,
- Any further information that we may need to know such as bringing a dog.
Please assume this booking is in hand as we may not be able to call everyone back to confirm. If you would like confirmation, please call the Bar or Office.
Arriving Late?
If you find that you are delayed and likely to arrive after food service ends, please do call the Club so an order can be placed ahead of your arrival. We can hot hold your food or reheat when you arrive.
Restaurant Service
We offer table service in the Restaurant, Quarter Deck & Conservatory. Please check in with staff when you arrive and they will show you to your table
Ordering Outdoors or in the Wheelhouse
Please place all drink orders at the bar; food orders are placed at the till by the kitchen. You will be given a buzzer for your food order which, when ready, can be collected from the hatch opposite the bar. Cutlery & condiments can be found in the Wheelhouse and our staff will be on hand for anything else you need.