Yachts Posts

Hamble River Cruise Report

Ten boats sailed to Universal Marina on the Hamble on Wednesday in fairly light winds. A pontoon party was held in the evening on board Bugsy 2 to keep out of the cold, which gave everyone a chance to meet those they didn’t know, before making their own dining arrangements.

On Thursday morning we split into two groups on board Bugsy 2 and Silver Shamrock 11 for morning coffee and cakes made by Gill. It was warm tucked into cockpit tents in the sunshine. In the afternoon we went for a walk down the Hamble and back to the marina through Wendleholme Nature Reserve and Holly Hill Park and Gardens. We walked down to the Old Ship Inn at Lower Swanwick for our evening meal where the food and service was excellent.

On Friday everyone set off at different times to their home ports or further travels. Bugsy 2, Raven, Silver Shamrock 11, Saxon, First Light, Yalla, Ursa Minor, Coco, Hermit 2 and Time Out all enjoyed the cruise and excellent company.

David and Gill Roberts